Kuala Lumpur School

Kuala Lumpur School

Welcome to the best  international school in malaysia ! We are so happy that you're here. You will learn a new language and experience a new culture. You might even make some new friends. So, what are you waiting for?

Our school has been established for over 40 years. We have graduated many international students who have gone on to great things. So, you can be sure that this is a reputable school. Our teachers are dedicated and experienced. They will help you make the very most of your time here.

An International School In Malaysia!

For many people, Malaysia is the end of the line. However, for those who are seeking education abroad, this country is a popular destination. There are many good reasons why you might want to study abroad in Malaysia; maybe it's the climate, maybe it's the food, or it could be the people. What is certain is that you will learn a new language and make new friends. It will be an experience that you will never forget!

Where Is It Located?

Our school is located in a residential area of Kuala Lumpur. You will love the location because it is close to the city center. Many of our students come from other parts of Malaysia and even other countries. So, you will learn new things every day!

The area is known for its high-quality educational institutions, friendly locals, and green spaces. If you're looking for a new place to study, you've come to the right place. We hope to see you soon!

What Is The Student Body Like?

We have a very diverse group of students here at the school. There are students from China, India, and even Bosnia. We challenge the idea that there is one “international student body.” Everyone is welcome!

Our student body is made up of learners from all over the world. This is wonderful because it means that you are going to learn so much. You will be able to sit down with someone from Germany and discuss world affairs or politics. Or, you could speak with a student from India about their culture and what is happening in their country. This is the type of experience that you will not get anywhere else.

What Is The School's Curriculum?

Our school provides an International Baccalaureate Diploma. This means that we hold academic standards that are similar to those of an International Baccalaureate School. We even do a little bit more than that! For example, we require that students complete four years of study. In addition, we have an English-taught Bachelors program that allows learners to develop their English-speaking skills. Finally, we have a special program for students who are interested in business administration or economics. This program provides students with a unique insight into the world of work. When you graduate, you will be prepared for university or a top-notch corporation. This is one of the many reasons why so many people choose to study abroad in Malaysia.

What About The Teachers And The Support Staff?

Our teachers are some of the best in the country. They have been trained in various ways such as the Master's in Teaching program at the University of London. They also have professional degrees in education. So, you can be sure that you are learning from experts who care about imparting knowledge to the students.

To provide support for these extraordinary teachers, we have an amazing management team. Many of our teachers work full-time while studying at the same time. Students often tell us that they love our teachers because they are so passionate about teaching. As a result, students learn a lot and enjoy their time at the school. Our teachers work hard to ensure that all students feel welcome and comfortable, especially those who might not have the same background as the other students.

Will Studying Abroad In Malaysia Help Me Get A Job?

If you're looking for a job, Malaysia is a great place to do so. Many of our students become successful in their field. Some of them even go on to great things such as becoming lawyers, doctors, or business executives. So, if you're looking for a new challenge in your life, consider Malaysia.